olive branch's totally cool website!

under construction until the heat death of the universe!

about me!

Hi, I'm Olive! I'm a college student studying literature with a side of French. I'm still unsure of what information to put here, but one random fun fact about me is that I play roller derby.

about this site!

Like many others here, the modern internet and social media was pissing me off, so I decided to put my HTML/CSS skills to use and build my own site! It doesn't have any particular theme—it's just me doing whatever I want, which, in practice, has meant mostly blogging and book related things. In the future, I intend to expand beyond those and include content about my other interests.

I try to keep the site updated on a fairly regular basis, but can't guarantee anything, since, well, I have college to deal with.


7/17/2024  Updated some of the code; moved my button to be more visible; added a cross-stitch page and promptly removed cross-stitch page due to difficulties.

7/13/2024  Added a new blog post; updated Pseudepigraph's (formerly Pleurodelinae) button; updated TBR page.

6/23/2024  Added two new sections to the homepage; updated the reading log and TBR.

6/8/2024  Somehow, I managed to not upload the updated reading log. Anyways, it's live now!

6/6/2024  New and improved home page is now live! The updated reading log, blog, and TBR pages will be coming later this week also today, apparently.


None of the fields are mandatory. Alternatively, you can send me an email or leave a message on the site profile.


Anonymous  woooooo nice theme it feels like im in a hotel
Anonymous  Hey! I love your blog, the design is so calming! I'm actually using your website as an example of a student e-portfolio for a class on coding and web design lol. Great work!
splendidemendax  Love your list of what you read in your classes—I definitely added some things to my reading list.
frog  You have great taste, and I love the perspective on what an English major does in their classes 😀 Your site has expanded my reading list
iv  love the website design, feels very clean and sophisticated. begging on my knees to see the vld shrine..... what a fucking trainwreck.
noé  mate your website is very satisfying to naviguate and to look at ! as a history student, i don't have the same book references but your "to be read" section is very interested (btw you made me discover « Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures » by Merlin Sheldrake ). I hope you will have fun on neocities !!


Convert "reading log" to use the details tag; convert blog to not use the details tag; elaborate on the me/site about; start a book recommendation page; start a cool links page; add a little section for things removed from the TBR.

works in progress!

Roller derby shrine: A decent chunk of the work is done for this, but I need to finish the map I'm making and some writing.

Voltron not-exactly-shrine: It has been planned. Will be put on the site after I get the introduction and "things I liked" sections done, since it's going to be a looooong time otherwise.


other cool sites!

fanlistings and cliques!


credits + site info!

This site was coded almost entirely from scratch, with one exception: the guestbook code comes from this sadgrl.online tutorial. It uses the fonts EB Garamond and Silkscreen, and the background is the Bird and Anemone wallpaper, designed by William Morris.

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